Sunday 29 January 2012

Cubism - A Brief Introduction

One of our first task for this course is to find an art movement that we like and to do some research on it. After going through the long list of art movements from Wikipedia, here is my personal favorite:

Before I go into a brief history and background of this particular art movement, let me amaze you with some pictures which I found fascinating.

Cassie Thinking About Cubism by Philip Absolon
Madonna: Cubist Portrait by Bill O'Neil
And of course some famous ones:
Man with a Violin by  Pablo Picasso
Woman with Pears by Pablo Picasso
Harbor by Georges Braque
Violin and Candlestick by Georges Braque
Well, Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque are the founder of CUBISM.
Taken from
Taken from

So what is CUBISM?
- Most influential visual art style in the early 20th century.
- Created by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque between 1907 and 1914.
- Objects are reduced to geometric forms by dissecting and reassembling the object, allowing the artist to depicts the object from multiple angles.

And its history...
- 'CUBISM' derived its name from the remarks made by painter Henry Matisse and critic Louis Vauxcelles who described Braque's work "Houses at L'Estaque" as made up of cubes.
Taken from
Two types of CUBISM:
1. Analytic
- From 1909 to 1912 
- Analysis of the subject (Pulling them apart into multiple planes)

2. Synthetic
- From 1912 to 1919
- Combining a few objects together
- Usage of different textures, surfaces, and collage element.
- Eg:
Still Life in Chair-caning by Pablo Picasso
Three Musicians by Pablo Picasso

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