Wednesday 11 April 2012

The New THREE :)

After presenting the sketches, I decided to listen to Mr Deepak's comment and change two of my final top three artworks. I have chosen to maintain 'Cluttered' and the other two artworks that made to my top three are 'In the Ipad' and 'Overtime'. Both of them are added into the Top Three List as they carry higher commercial values and bring out the theme Technology and Society.

Here are my new Top Three:
In the iPad
However, I decided to add on more details to the sketches. Here are the new elaborated artwork:
In the iPad
In the iPad
More details are added to this art work to paint a clearer picture of a family. Instead of only three human figures, elderly, children and a baby are added in the second sketch. I have also added in a dog at the left side of the painting, and a lizard at the top right side to bring more of Pablo Picasso's Three Musicians into the drawings.

Once again, more details are added into the sketch. I added in a clock to further emphasize the time. Also, more elements are added to the the bottom half of the drawing to paint an office environment.

This drawing remain as the original sketch.

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