Wednesday 29 February 2012

The Lucky Three :)

After looking at the presentations from my fellow classmates, I knew I need to bring out more of cubism into my sketches. So, I decided to look into more details of on my final 3 sketches. With the aim of adding more elements of cubism, I decided to play different tones, textures, and angles.

Here are the three sketches that I like most:

The Clash
No Peace


Sketch 1: The Clash.
The Clash in this drawing aims to answer the question "Technology: Does it builds or breaks relationship?". The maze in this drawing brings about the puzzle and battle between two groups of people; one focusing on technology, and the other purely on love with no technology. This drawing gives the viewer the liberty of deciding the outcome of the battle as the human figures in the picture does not carry any emotion in it. The clashing point is at the yellow and orange rectangle at the center of the drawing. Using back yellow and orange which is consistent with the two individuals at opposite ends of the drawing, the desired outcome of this battle will be to strike a balance, using the best of technology to build relationship in the society.

Elements of Design:
Line: Mostly straight lines, and a  few curve lines.
Shape: Angular shapes.
Color: Bright colors, with dark background.
Texture: A rough texture (crumpled paper texture) to be added into the painting using Adobe Photoshop for the maze. The drawing will be executed and printed on smooth surface.
Eye Movement: Viewer will follow the path of the maze.

Principle of Design:
Hierarchy: The focus of the drawing will be the maze, followed by the two human figures at diagonal end of the painting.
Balance, proportional.
Repetition of colors used - Orange and yellow.


Sketch 2: Cluttered
Cluttered aims to trigger the viewer to pause and look at the busyness of society today. Everywhere we go, we see people on mobile phones. From LRTs to the office, all the way to the dining table. The yellow semi-circle at the top right corner is drawn to look like the sun. However in this drawing, the high demand of the society for mobile coverage makes it as important as sunlight (which is a necessity in life). Mobile phones are no longer a luxury, but a necessity in the cluttered society that we are in.

Elements of Design:
Line: Mostly straight lines, and a curve lines for the network tower.
Shape: Angular shapes.
Color: Complimentary colors are used: orange and blue, and yellow and violet.
Texture: The drawing will be executed and printed on smooth surface.
Eye movement from the top right corner, to the bottom.

Principle of Design:
Hierarchy: The focus of the drawing will be the dark blue tower.
Repetition of human figures and semi-circles.


Sketch 3: No Peace
No Peace brings out the irony of life. Even in the midst of a relaxing holiday, one can be troubled by the ringing mobile phone. With almost no boundaries to mobile coverage, there is no place one can hide to find peace from work. The zigzag inter-crossing red lines trigger emotions such as frustration and anger from being disturbed. However, the background chosen for this picture will be a view from the seaside, consisting of sandy beach and the clear sea water. The background aim to give a peaceful feeling to the picture, with effect similar to the stained glass windows found in traditional churches. 

Elements of Design:
Line: Mostly straight lines.
Shape: Angular shapes, mostly triangles.
Color: A mixture of warm (red, orange, yellow) and cool (blue, green) colors are used.
Texture: The drawing will be executed and printed on smooth surface.
Eye movement from the bottom right to the top left of the drawing.

Principle of Design:
Hierarchy: The focus of the drawing will be the person under the beach umbrella.
Not proportional, as the thoughts are bigger than the human figure.
Repetition of triangles in the background.

Sunday 26 February 2012

My 18 Sketches...

Let me ask you a few questions:
Have you ever left home without your mobile phone?
Or spent a day without logging into your Facebook or Twitter account?
Or go on a vacation with no internet connection?
Well, my answer is YES! And it felt miserable without my mobile phone.

Why technology? Simply because I believe that is where our world is heading to. Personally, the first thing I do after I open my eyes every morning is to look for my phone and keep myself updated with tweets from previous night. Everywhere we go, we see technology! And more still, mobile technology.

With that in mind, here's what I plan to accomplish with my drawing:
Problem Statement:
Internet is made available to almost everyone especially in this society. In school, in offices, and even in homes. The younger generation are seen with their mobile phones everywhere they go. The society lives with the internet, and lesser interaction are made between family members and friends.
Purpose of Content:
To trigger the mind of the viewer to think of the advantages and disadvantages of technology. And to encourage balance to how technology is used. For the less tech-savvy my painting aim to inspire them to try out new technology. For the younger generation who are stuck on their mobile phones 24/7, this painting aim to encourage them to put priority on their social life (especially their family).
Review of Content:
491.4 million smartphones sold in 2011 <Source>
In Malaysia, one third of Maxis subscribers are smartphone users. <Source>
Research Question:
Technology: Is it for the better or the worst of the society?

Using The Three Musicians as my reference artwork, I aspire to trigger the minds of the viewers to balance technology and social interaction.

Here's a recap from my previous presentation:

And here are my 18 sketches:

- Art Movement: Synthetic Cubism
- Reference Artist: Pablo Picasso
- Reference Artwork: The Three Musicians

In the iPad
A family of three each holding an iPad, depicting how the society that we are living in is having lesser interaction among individuals, but more focus on gadgets even though they are in the same environment (inside an Ipad). This artwork follows closely with the reference artwork, including elements such as bright colors (orange and yellow), using mostly straight lines and a few curve lines.

 Tech Love
This artwork is inspired by the recent Valentines Day. A couple found their love partner through technology. With the advancement of technology, there is close to no boundaries for 2 individuals or a group of individuals to keep in touch.

Internet Crazy
This drawing showcases the presence of internet in almost every homes in the society that we live in (especially in KL). This drawing does not contain any human figures in it as everyone is in their own homes surfing the net.

Broken Walls
Internet broke the barrier between 2 individuals. The wall in the center of the drawing shows the breaking of boundaries. Internet has made communication across nations cheaper and more accessible.

The Clash
Technology: Does it builds or breaks relationship? As the human figure in the picture does not carry any emotion in it, the viewers are given the liberty of coming up with the outcome. Will internet make or break society?

The red boxes (representing individuals / companies) shows movement towards the source, a building with internet assess. This picture shows how important the internet is to the society, and a movement towards it.

No Peace
Technology takes away the peace of an individual. The picture shows the irony of life. Even on a vacation, the person in the picture still needs to work.

Using social media, every individual in the world can be connected. This drawing uses room-like space similar to Picasso's Three Musicians.

This picture illustrates the difference of snail mail and the email. The red zigzag lines indicates trouble and complexity while the straight blue lines indicate simplicity and convenience. Technology has made lives more convenient.

In the Box
With the advancement of mobile technology, everyone is locked up in their own box. There is lesser physical interaction and face-to-face communication.

The Connector
There is no limit to technology. The different sizes of the 'human' indicates the different generations, who are able to connect to each other with technology, in this picture an iPhone. The drawing is inspired during the Chinese New Year celebration seeing children and adults flock around an Iphone. Technology might not always break relationship, instead it can connect generations.

The Light
Technology acts as light. As light bring forth illumination to the room to the room they are shown in, technology brings forth clarity to the society by making information available.  

Everyone is on their mobile phones which which portray society as a busy society.

Internet is everything. If you are not in it, you will be left out. This drawing shows the movement of an individual towards the source: the internet.

The Love Bug
Once again blue and red is used to show forth the contrast of technology in a relationship. The left side of the painting uses mobile technology and the right side uses verbal communication. Once again, using mobile technology looks easier and less complicated, compared to verbal communication. However, the effect of using both methods of communication is questionable. Is mobile communication better than verbal face-to-face communication?

Absentee parent is seen as a cause of many social issues in the society. Technology has caused working parents to work more each day, leaving office late in the night, and having no time to spend with their children.

Not Connected
This picture basically portray the situation at our dining table. Everyone is looking at their phone instead of spending time catching up at the dining table.

The title speaks for itself. The mobile phone that we have today is a summation of the internet, phone, camera, music and planner.

And here are my personal favorites:
No Peace
The Clash

Friday 17 February 2012

Progress... Progress... Progress... STUCK!!!... Progress... Progress :P

That has been the cycle for the past 1 week...

Was about to go to bed, and TADAAAA!!! I got an idea!!!
Was sleeping, and TADAAAA!!! I got an idea!!!
Was showering, and TADAAAA!!! I got an idea!!!

Sketching has been fun with many Eureka moments... But between the day, it can sometimes be a little too quiet. Perhaps the key to getting idea is to sleep more and shower more? :p

Here's a preview of what's ahead...

Introducing my 'hidung-tajam, mata-sepet' friend...

And more of them...
And here's a little piece after LOVE day...

And here's what I stand for: INTERNET + LIFE must go together!

Stay tune for more interesting stuffs :)

Wednesday 15 February 2012

My First Attempt to Sketching...

Well, I am not a person who enjoy doodling for a past time... I am more of a word person, so it's time to try out something new!

To start off, I have chosen TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY as my theme... Why technology? Simply because I believe that is where our world is heading to. Personally, the first thing I do after I open my eyes every morning is to look for my phone and read tweets from previous night. Everywhere we go, we see technology!

So, here's my first work in progress to sketching...

And many more to come... Gonna be an exciting journey ahead...

Road Block - A quick evaluation!


After all the research and the many updates to the blog during the past few weeks, I have presented... At last!

The process of finding an art movement that I like, reading up on the art movement, all the way to the reference artist and artwork has really open up my eyes in the area of art and design! This creative world is so much bigger than what I previously conceived in my mind... To say the least, the past 5 weeks have been an experience of its own. Every single week has trigger my mind to come up with new ways of how I can do my artwork. I learn more about elements of design and principle of design. How different lines and colors that the artist use can bring a different touch to the final artwork.

- Choice of art movement which I think work well with my strength (Well, I can't really draw anything other than lines, and geometric shapes... So, this has got to be good! :P)
- A clear understanding on the history and background of the reference artwork of my choice: The Three Musician.
- Discover special features from my reference artwork which can be incorporated into my future sketches. Eg: Yellow-orange triangular patterns, and the use of a shallow box-like room.

- Took a long time to choose an art movement, and cause shorter time spent on reference artist and reference artwork.
- Only basic study on element and principle of design done.

Future Improvements:
- Could have come up with a few more artists before choosing a reference artist and artwork.
 - More readings could be done on principle and elements of design, especially colors used.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Three Musicians by Pablo Picasso

After choosing the reference artist , I decided to look deeper into one of his artwork: Three Musicians. This artwork captured my attention with its bright, vibrant colors.
Three Musicians (1921)
Three Musicians is a large painting measuring more than 2 meters wide and high. It is painted in the style of Synthetic Cubism and gives the appearance of cut paper. Picasso paints three musicians in a shallow, boxlike room. 

The Three Musicians:
On the left is a clarinet player, in the middle a guitar player, and on the right a singer holding sheets of music. The clarinet player dressed in a blue and white suit; the guitar player in an orange and yellow diamond-pattered costume and the musician on the right in a black robe. 

Other objects:
In front of the clarinet player is a table with a pipe and other objects, while beneath him is a dog, whose belly, legs, and tail peep out behind the musician's legs. 

Elements of Design
Line: Straight and curve lines.
Shape: Angular shapes (Squares, triangles).
Color: Bright colors with contrast.
No eye movement.
Smooth texture - Painting

Principle of Design
Hierarchy - Focused on the three musicians.
Balance, proportional.
Repetition of diamond shape.
Contrast from the orange and yellow diamond-patterned costume.

The Man - Pablo Picasso

After selecting Cubism as my Art Movement, and focusing on Synthetic Cubism, I chose to use Pablo Picasso as my reference artist.

Birth name: 
Pablo Diego Jose Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Maria de Ios Remedios Cipriano de la Santisima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso

Birth date:
25th October 1881

Pass away:
8th April 1973 (Aged 91)

"Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth" - Pablo Picasso

Why Pablo Picasso?
Because he is a man who dare to be different!
- Instead of sticking to traditional techniques of painting, Picasso was one of the pioneer of the cubist movement. 
- And when his and Georges Braque's artworks start to look similar, they started Synthetic Cubism.

The Progress...
Pipe, Glass, Bottle of Vieux Marc (1914)

Three Musicians (1921)

Still Life with Mandolin and Guitar (1924)