Wednesday 29 February 2012

The Lucky Three :)

After looking at the presentations from my fellow classmates, I knew I need to bring out more of cubism into my sketches. So, I decided to look into more details of on my final 3 sketches. With the aim of adding more elements of cubism, I decided to play different tones, textures, and angles.

Here are the three sketches that I like most:

The Clash
No Peace


Sketch 1: The Clash.
The Clash in this drawing aims to answer the question "Technology: Does it builds or breaks relationship?". The maze in this drawing brings about the puzzle and battle between two groups of people; one focusing on technology, and the other purely on love with no technology. This drawing gives the viewer the liberty of deciding the outcome of the battle as the human figures in the picture does not carry any emotion in it. The clashing point is at the yellow and orange rectangle at the center of the drawing. Using back yellow and orange which is consistent with the two individuals at opposite ends of the drawing, the desired outcome of this battle will be to strike a balance, using the best of technology to build relationship in the society.

Elements of Design:
Line: Mostly straight lines, and a  few curve lines.
Shape: Angular shapes.
Color: Bright colors, with dark background.
Texture: A rough texture (crumpled paper texture) to be added into the painting using Adobe Photoshop for the maze. The drawing will be executed and printed on smooth surface.
Eye Movement: Viewer will follow the path of the maze.

Principle of Design:
Hierarchy: The focus of the drawing will be the maze, followed by the two human figures at diagonal end of the painting.
Balance, proportional.
Repetition of colors used - Orange and yellow.


Sketch 2: Cluttered
Cluttered aims to trigger the viewer to pause and look at the busyness of society today. Everywhere we go, we see people on mobile phones. From LRTs to the office, all the way to the dining table. The yellow semi-circle at the top right corner is drawn to look like the sun. However in this drawing, the high demand of the society for mobile coverage makes it as important as sunlight (which is a necessity in life). Mobile phones are no longer a luxury, but a necessity in the cluttered society that we are in.

Elements of Design:
Line: Mostly straight lines, and a curve lines for the network tower.
Shape: Angular shapes.
Color: Complimentary colors are used: orange and blue, and yellow and violet.
Texture: The drawing will be executed and printed on smooth surface.
Eye movement from the top right corner, to the bottom.

Principle of Design:
Hierarchy: The focus of the drawing will be the dark blue tower.
Repetition of human figures and semi-circles.


Sketch 3: No Peace
No Peace brings out the irony of life. Even in the midst of a relaxing holiday, one can be troubled by the ringing mobile phone. With almost no boundaries to mobile coverage, there is no place one can hide to find peace from work. The zigzag inter-crossing red lines trigger emotions such as frustration and anger from being disturbed. However, the background chosen for this picture will be a view from the seaside, consisting of sandy beach and the clear sea water. The background aim to give a peaceful feeling to the picture, with effect similar to the stained glass windows found in traditional churches. 

Elements of Design:
Line: Mostly straight lines.
Shape: Angular shapes, mostly triangles.
Color: A mixture of warm (red, orange, yellow) and cool (blue, green) colors are used.
Texture: The drawing will be executed and printed on smooth surface.
Eye movement from the bottom right to the top left of the drawing.

Principle of Design:
Hierarchy: The focus of the drawing will be the person under the beach umbrella.
Not proportional, as the thoughts are bigger than the human figure.
Repetition of triangles in the background.

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