Friday 17 February 2012

Progress... Progress... Progress... STUCK!!!... Progress... Progress :P

That has been the cycle for the past 1 week...

Was about to go to bed, and TADAAAA!!! I got an idea!!!
Was sleeping, and TADAAAA!!! I got an idea!!!
Was showering, and TADAAAA!!! I got an idea!!!

Sketching has been fun with many Eureka moments... But between the day, it can sometimes be a little too quiet. Perhaps the key to getting idea is to sleep more and shower more? :p

Here's a preview of what's ahead...

Introducing my 'hidung-tajam, mata-sepet' friend...

And more of them...
And here's a little piece after LOVE day...

And here's what I stand for: INTERNET + LIFE must go together!

Stay tune for more interesting stuffs :)

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