Wednesday 15 February 2012

Road Block - A quick evaluation!


After all the research and the many updates to the blog during the past few weeks, I have presented... At last!

The process of finding an art movement that I like, reading up on the art movement, all the way to the reference artist and artwork has really open up my eyes in the area of art and design! This creative world is so much bigger than what I previously conceived in my mind... To say the least, the past 5 weeks have been an experience of its own. Every single week has trigger my mind to come up with new ways of how I can do my artwork. I learn more about elements of design and principle of design. How different lines and colors that the artist use can bring a different touch to the final artwork.

- Choice of art movement which I think work well with my strength (Well, I can't really draw anything other than lines, and geometric shapes... So, this has got to be good! :P)
- A clear understanding on the history and background of the reference artwork of my choice: The Three Musician.
- Discover special features from my reference artwork which can be incorporated into my future sketches. Eg: Yellow-orange triangular patterns, and the use of a shallow box-like room.

- Took a long time to choose an art movement, and cause shorter time spent on reference artist and reference artwork.
- Only basic study on element and principle of design done.

Future Improvements:
- Could have come up with a few more artists before choosing a reference artist and artwork.
 - More readings could be done on principle and elements of design, especially colors used.

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